Catering at home

Catering at Home

We thought we would include these pages to help point you in the right direction for that all important event you are having at home.

Christenings & Communions

The most common catered event for any family.

For some families these are the only special events they will have in their home so our advice is spend the day enjoying the occasion, your family & friends and NOT IN THE KITCHEN!

We can provide you with anything you need from crockery, cutlery to extra chairs and of course the food itself.

The most popular options are listed below just click on the link for more detail…

Hot dinner/lunch buffet

Cold meat & vegetarian buffet

Chilled for reheating

A less expensive way to cater if you don’t mind doing a little work yourself is to order in your dishes chilled. Your cooking ability won’t be up for scrutiny nor will you have a huge amount of work to do.

Any of our fork buffet dishes are available chilled. Please click the link for more detail
Hot dinner/lunch buffet .

We can supply you chaffing dishes for set up. Once you reheat the food you can put it into the chaffing dishes and they will hold the food hot for up to 1.5 hours.

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